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Autism Definition and Resources


According to the National Association of Autism

Autism impacts the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function.Individuals with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. Autism varies greatly from person to person.

For additional information, please see A Parent's Guide to Autism | Autism Speaks.

A New or Known Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder

For a child ages 4 and under, please obtain a free toolkit through the Autism Speaks website.  It helps families obtain the critical information they need after the diagnosis: 100 Day Kit for Young Children | Autism Speaks

For a child ages 5-13, please obtain a free toolkit through the Autism Speaks website.  It helps families obtain the critical information they need after the diagnosis: 100 Day Kit for School Age Children | Autism Speaks.

Families can also call Autism Speaks at 888-AUTISM2 (888-288-4762) to request any of these free toolkits.

Association for Autism and Neurodiversity offers many webinars, conferences and support groups.

HMEA Central also offers free workshops and seminars, such as Autism 101 and Special Education Law. 

Helpful Autism Resources

Fragile X

Fragile X is an inherited condition that is associated with concerns such as autism, intellectual disability, and learning or behavioral issues.The National Fragile X Association (800-688-8765) offers many resources and support.

An overview of Fragile X can be found at You and Your Newly Diagnosed Child.