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Surgery Elective Course Description

Course Name: Trauma Surgery
Course Number: SU- 413 
Elective Type: A

Bruce Simon, MD

Contact: Marilyn Lavergne

Department: Surgery
Sites Available: UMMHC-University Campus
Months Offered: E1-M10
Number of Students / Month: 1
Prerequisites: 4th year medical student 
Elective Description: 

After the completion of this 4 week elective the student will:

  1. gain understanding of Trauma Triage: factors which prompt urgent transport of patients to a Trauma Center: anatomy, physiology and mechanism of injury
  2. learn the important steps in the initial evaluation of the Trauma patient, both primary and secondary surveys as they relate to both penetrating and blunt mechanism of injury
  3. appreciate the importance of rapid evaluation and resuscitation of the Trauma patient and the value of early physiologic stabilization as it relates to morbidity and mortality.
  4. observe and participate in the trauma room evaluation and procedures done to evaluate and stabilize the injured patient including establishing definitive airway, placement of gastric tube, foley catheter, splinting of extremity fractures, closure of simple soft tissue injuries, placement of chest tubes.
  5. demonstrate the ability of working as an integral part of the trauma team during rounds on the wards, emergency department and the intensive care unit; representing the capacities, curiosity, spontaneity, drive and aptitudes necessary to become a surgery resident.
  6. display interest, basic knowledge proportional to his/her level of training and dexterity during operative trauma cases.
  7. show the capacity, and effectiveness of communicate a comprehensive analysis of different trauma surgery topics throughout the rotation in the form of an organized audiovisual presentation and/or oral presentation.
Location:  UMMHC-University Campus, 55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA  01655 
Website: http://www.umassmed.edu/surgery/