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Psychiatry Elective Course Description

Course Name: Inpatient Psychiatry TaraVista
Course Number: PS-462
Elective Type: B1

Carl Fulwiler, MD PhD

Contact: Jennifer Hitchcock

Department: Psychiatry
Sites Available: TaraVista Behavioral Health Center, Devens MA
Months Offered: E1 - M10
Number of Students / Month: 1
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd year Psychiatry clerkship 
Enrollment Process: Approval from coordinator required; email approval to electives@umassmed.edu to schedule

Elective Description: The goal of this elective is to provide students with additional experience with inpatient psychiatry in a private psychiatric hospital.  The student will spend time with multiple inpatient providers on general adult, transition age (16-24y), and if chosen a child/adolescent unit. These opportunities could be made available based on the student's interests. Students will learn about the assessment and management of acutely ill patients with a variety of presentations including suicidality, psychosis, depression, and co-occurring addiction disorders. Students will be part of a treatment team including a social worker, mental health counselor, and group therapists in addition to the supervising psychiatrist. Also included in this elective is an academic project, which could be a scholarly writing project (e.g., case report) or a presentation on a topic of interest to the student relevant to inpatient psychiatry. This elective will be 4 weeks in length.

Clinical Experience: The student will spend 5 days per week with multiple inpatient providers on general adult, transition age (16-24y), and if chosen a child/adolescent unit. These opportunities could be made available based on the student's interests.

Academic Experience - One half-day/week-Supervised by a faculty member – Scholarly Writing Project – a case report or literature review to be presented at the hospital brown bag seminar. This will be an informal opportunity for the student to share what she or he has learned.

Note: N/A
Location: TaraVista Behavioral Health Center, Devens MA
Website: http://www.umassmed.edu/psychiatry/