ÄKTA avant is a preparative protein purification chromatography system designed for fast and secure development of scalable methods and processes.
ÄKTA pure protein purification system is a flexible and intuitive chromatography system designed to meet purification challenges in research applications.
ÄKTA pilot 600 is a compact bench-top chromatography system with a wide flow and pressure range. It suits both production of technical batches and scale-up studies as well as small-scale production of GMP-grade material.
The WAVE Bioreactor system features integrated temperature sensors and load cells, designed for convenient handling and control of cell cultures. A filter heater is delivered with the system.
Xcellerex XDR single-use bioreactor systems provide scalable and robust stirred-tank performance for up to 2000 L in both cGMP and non-cGMP environments.
The single-use Xcellerex XDR 10 is a flexible, stirred-tank bioreactor system suitable for use in process development, small-scale production, and process troubleshooting. The XDR 10 single-use bioreactor system handles working volumes from 4.5 L to 10 L, and comprises three main parts: vessel frame, instrument tower, and disposable bioreactor
bag assembly. The XDR 10 system features the same fluid contact materials, fluid dynamics, and control strategies as the 50 L, 200 L, 500 L, 1000 L and 2000 L bioreactors.