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"Everything was new related to MGV's. I learned to relax and take things slower. Teaching/education is important, but relationship building is more important and keeps the patient coming back."

"I just wanted to say how grateful I am for Jeff and Paula, their different expertise and their skillfulness in pioneering this model of patient care. They are amazing docs and I feel inspired by their openness, curiosity and (what appears to be) fearlessness. It's so inspiring!"

"I think the topics covered were incredibly important, and I think they were presented in a very clear fashion."..."The examples that were shared were incredibly helpful."

"...I am figuring out why we had some problems with previous groups and learning about different approaches to better meet everyone's (both patients and providers) needs."

"I learned all about how group visits work and how to bill for them. I had no knowledge of their structure or billing before this."

"These resources are so excellent and helpful. Thank you."

"Great content. Very clear. Videos seem appropriate in length. The visuals were very helpful."