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Chancellor Collins visited China to strengthen the relationship between UMass Chan and its partners

During the week-long visit, Chancellor travelled to Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai to meet with leaders at UMass Chan’s partner institutions. In Beijing, he also met with the Director of Science and Technology in the Ministry of Education as well as the Executive Vice President of Cernet Education Development Company. In Chengdu, beside discussing with the president and vice president of Sichuan University on various collaboration projects, he delivered the keynote speech at the UMass Chan-SCU forum on 21st Century Challenges in Healthcare. In addition, he met with the research collaborators of UMass Chan psychiatry department on smoking cessation, who are physicians in West China Mental Health Institute. Some students from SCU spoke with Chancellor Collins about their experience of/expectation for clinical rotations at UMass Chan. Several of the Mello-UMass Fellowship recipients also reported to the Chancellor the impact of the 5.12 earthquake and the fellowship money they received. 



Clinical rotation opportunities in China are available to UMass Chan students.  If you are interested and would like to have additional information, please

Contact China Program Office